Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Burnie + Lila = Play at first sight!

About a year after we brought Lila home, we decided to begin looking for a furry friend for her. She was so good with other dogs, as long as they didn't "mind her energy"! Keith had wanted to rescue a Greyhound for a while, so one afternoon we went to visit a rescue with Lila. Lila was introduced to many greyhounds, but most of them just ignored her or were annoyed by her. We needed a large male greyhound that could attempt to put her in her place. They suggested a dog named Burnie. They brought him out and boy was it play at first sight! There were definitely fireworks! So that next Friday, we took Burnie home. He wasn't used to being a pet. So it took a few months before he warmed up to us three. Lila and him became quite the couple. They defended each other in times where other dogs would try to challenge them. They kindly share the same water bowl. They would play until they couldn't play anymore. Lila is such an amazing role model for him. Burnie who had been so distant at first became very attached to Lila. Anytime Lila isn't around, Burnie will cry and try to find her. He likes to cuddle up next to her and rest his head on her backside.

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